Match and Append prides itself on providing high-quality B2B contact data that is not only comprehensive but also compliant with global data protection laws. We understand the importance of accurate and reliable data for businesses looking to engage with their target audience effectively. That’s why our database of over 200 million contacts is carefully curated, regularly updated, and verified for accuracy and completeness.

Our commitment to data protection means that we adhere to strict privacy regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and other global data protection laws. We take the security and privacy of our customers’ data seriously, and we implement robust measures to ensure that our database is protected against unauthorized access or misuse.

By using our database, businesses can access a wealth of information about their target audience, including names, job titles, company information, phone numbers, email addresses, and more. With this comprehensive data at their fingertips, businesses can craft highly targeted marketing campaigns, identify new sales leads, and build relationships with prospects across the globe.

We also understand that businesses have unique data needs, which is why we offer a range of delivery options to suit our customers’ preferences. Our B2B business data can be delivered through an API, providing real-time access to the latest information, and enabling businesses to seamlessly integrate data into their systems.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we prioritize delivering the highest-quality data in the most convenient and accessible way possible. Our API delivery and customizable solutions ensure that businesses can access the data they need, seamlessly integrate it into their workflows, and make data-driven decisions that drive business growth and success.